Reference Materials
Who can use this?
All Offices
This is part of the WWU General Records Retention Schedule.
Record Description:
Materials gathered from outside sources for reference/reading use which are not evidence of the agency’s business transactions.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Copies of published articles, reports, etc.
- Individual participants’ copies of internal and external training materials (such as proceedings, handouts, notes taken, etc.) from conferences/seminars/trainings
- Internet browser favorites/bookmarks
- Listserv/RSS feeds.
Excludes records covered by Secondary (Duplicate) Copies (GS 50005.0001.18664).
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50013.0001.18662
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Function: Transitory Records