WWU General Records Retention Schedule
The WWU General Schedule applies to common records found in most offices. Staff should also check the office records retention schedules to see if there are additional titles specific only to their office.
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Accreditation Reporting
Function: Governance - External
Final report submitted to an accrediting body by the university or, in cases where an academic unit has additional accreditation requirements, by an academic unit. Does not include working papers or materials gathered to create final report.
Retention Requirement: 7 years after accreditation received
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68609.0003.18557
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Accreditation Working Papers
Function: Governance - External
Materials used to create accreditation reports. Does not include final accreditation reports or review.
Retention Requirement: Retain for 7 years after accreditation received
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 09030.0003.18415
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Advisory Body Records
Function: Governance - External
Records that document the actions, meetings, and membership of boards, commissions, committees, councils, task forces, etc., that are created to act strictly in an advisory capacity to the university or its programs and have no final decision-making powers. Also includes interagency/national/external advisory bodies for which the agency acts as secretary/keeper of the official records.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Agendas, meeting/agenda packets (briefs, reference materials, etc.)
- Speaker sign-up, written testimony
- Audio/visual recordings and transcripts of proceedings
- Minutes
- Reports/correspondence/communications sent/received on behalf of the body
- Records documenting final decisions on membership appointments, reappointments, and terminations
- Selected images/photographs showing the committee membership at particular points in time (such as committee portraits, etc.) and/or significant stages of the committee’s life.
- Staff meetings (use GS 09009.0001.19111)
- Search and Recruitment records (use GS 03012.0001.18404)
- Governing/Executive/Policy-Setting Body Records (use GS 10004.0001.18332)
- Meeting and Board/Committee Administrative Arrangements (use GS 09024.0001.19113)
- Meeting Materials – Members’ Copies/Notes (use GS 09026.0001.18673)
Retention Requirement: 6 years after end of calendar year
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 10015.0003.18417
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Agreements, Hold Harmless (Adults)
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
Acknowledgment of risk and hold harmless agreement signed by adults participating in university activities, such as sports and recreational events and theatre productions. Holds university harmless from liability for injuries and/or damages not caused by negligence. May include hold harmless for field trips.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after termination or expiration of agreement
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 01050.0001.18352
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Agreements, Hold Harmless (Minors Under Age 18)
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
Acknowledgment of risk and hold harmless agreement signed by parents or others on behalf of minors under age 18 who participate in university activities, such as sports and recreational events, and special academic institutes and programs. Holds university harmless from liability for injuries and/or damages not caused by negligence. May include authorization for emergency treatment and acknowledgment that participant is responsible for medical costs in event of injury. May also include medication hold harmless agreement stating that WWU will not be held responsible for missed doses of medication or any consequences thereof.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after minor reaches age 18
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68610.0001.18558
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Applications for Admission to University, Major, or Program
Function: Admissions
Student applications for admission to the university or to a program or major. May include test scores, essays, application forms, or portfolios.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after term applied for
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: 92-12-51644.0003.18475
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Audit Trails and System Usage Monitoring
Function: Information Systems Management
- Log-in records, security logs and system usage files
- Internet activity logs (sites visited, downloads/uploads, video/audio streaming, etc.)
- Fax and telephone logs.
- Internet Browsing (GS 50010)
- Security Incidents and Data/Privacy Breaches (GS 25008.0001.18649).
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 14020.0001.19347
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
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Automated/Scheduled Tasks and Work/Intermediate/Test Files
Function: Information Systems Management
- Run reports and requests
- Task schedules
- Test data sets
- Successful completion reports
- Valid transaction files
- Work/intermediate files.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 14015.0001.19348
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Budget and Funding Requests Preparation Materials
Function: Financial Management
Materials gathered and used to prepare budgets and funding requests, as well as well as copies of requests submitted to a higher-level unit for funding.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Since these records are not the final budgets (as approved by the State or uploaded into the university's financial system) they technically do not have any retention requirements. However, UARM recommends that these materials be kept for 3 years after the fiscal year for use in preparing future budgets.
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50008.0001.18353
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Budget Reconciliation and Monitoring Records
Function: Financial Management
Financial records and reports used to reconcile and monitor expenses and income for a unit when the files contain unique transactionrecords that are not captured in an official university system (for example, original purchasing card receipts for purchases made outside of a university system). Copies of reports or other records that can be generated from or are stored in online university systems have minimal retention and should be held as Financial Records - Duplicate Copies (GS 50005.001.18394). However, if these duplicate records are filedwith original financial documentation (such as purchasing card receipts), then this records series should be applied to the files to ensure the original documentation is held for the appropriate retention period.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
This retention period only applies to these records when original documentation (like purchasing card receipts) that is not uploaded into an online university system is included in the files. If no such materials exist in these reconciliation/monitoring records, then the retention period(s)for the other record type(s) will apply.
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 01001.0001.18420
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Building/Facility Access Authorization
Function: Facilities and Equipment Management
- Requests and approvals for access and permissions
- Assignment of security identification badges, building/card keys, access codes, etc.
Excludes records covered by:
- Authorization – Systems/Telecommunications Access (DAN GS 14012)
- Entry/Exit Logs – Facilities (DAN GS 25007).
See also Recordkeeping Note below.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after termination of access
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Requests submitted to the Lockshop are held by the Lockshop for the appropriate retention period. This retention policy covers those records not held by the Lockshop.
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 25001.0001.18398
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Calendars – Employees (Other than Elected Officials and Agency Heads)
Function: Governance and Administration - Internal
Retention Requirement: 1 years after end of calendar year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 09023.0001.18354
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
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Cash Handling Records
Function: Financial Management
Records relating to the receipt of cash by a university office for goods or services provided to students or the public. May include cash receipts or departmentdeposit records.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 01001.0001.18367
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Child-Related Program Compliance Records
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
Records documenting Western-sponsored programs and events in which minors participate. Includes background checks on university representatives; permission slips/hold-harmless agreements signed by parents or guardians; participant registration records; registration of the program with the University; and records of trainings taken by University representatives (see University policy: POL-U5300.21).
(This records series does not include medical records created by clinics and child-care centers on campus, or educational records of minors who are matriculated students at Western.)
Retention Requirement: Retain for 24 years after calendar year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Retention period is meant to ensure that records are kept until any minor participating in a Western program has reached the age of 18 plus an additional 6 years. This records series is based on the Contracts and Agreements records series, which governs the hold harmless agreements. Other documentation included in this records series is considered supporting documentation for this hold harmless agreement.
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 01050.0001.18382
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Client/Customer Feedback and Complaints
Function: Public Services
- Thank-you messages, kudos, etc.
- Client/customer satisfaction surveys (including the design and distribution of such surveys)
- Internal and external correspondence/communications relating to complaints, their investigation, mediation, and resolution.
Retention Requirement: 3 years after feedback received/resolution of complaint
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 09016.0001.19369
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Communications and Media Coverage Files
Function: Communications and Marketing
- Press/news releases issued to the media for distribution
- Audio/visual recordings/transcripts of press conferences, speeches, etc., by the head of the agency or senior executives
- Copies of guest editorials written by the head of the agency
- Copies of news clippings/media coverage of the agency’s activities (if compiled).
Retention Requirement: 2 years after end of calendar year
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05003.0001.18409
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Complaints and Grievances – Exonerated
Function: Governance and Administration - Internal
- Filed complaints and grievances
- Supporting documentation
- Agency response and decisions
- Legal actions, arbitration or mediation efforts
- Determinations and appeals.
Retention Requirement: Until exoneration
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 03006.0001.18411
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Complaints and Grievances – Upheld
Function: Governance and Administration - Internal
- Filed complaints and grievances
- Supporting documentation
- Agency response and decisions
- Legal actions, arbitration or mediation efforts
- Determinations and appeals.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after final determination of case
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 03003.0001.18410
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Contact Information
Function: Transitory Records
- Business cards
- Contact details stored in Microsoft Outlook and other contact databases
- Mailing lists, email distribution lists, listserv/RSS subscriber details, etc.
- Requests to be added/removed from the agency’s contact lists (includes mail/communications returned as undeliverable)
- Validation/verification/quality assurance checks of contact lists/collections
- Related correspondence/communications.
- Records covered by Emergency/Disaster Preparedness – Contact Information (GS 25004.0001.19380)
- Contact information gathered for other, more specific purposes, such as attendee/sign-in lists for meetings and trainings, visitor books/logs, etc.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50007.0001.18658
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Contracts and Agreements (Office copies)
Function: Financial Management
Office copies of contracts and agreements that are held by Contracts Administration.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50005.0001.18435
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Copyright/Trademark Registrations
Function: Intellectual Property Management
Records of registering trademarks or copyright for University-owned intellectual products.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after copyright or trademark expires
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 21001.0001.18446
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Corrective Actions - Audits
Function: Financial Management
- Corrective action plans
- Certificates of completion
- Reporting of corrective action, plans, progress on corrective actions and certificates of completion to the Office of Financial Management in accordance with State Administrative and Accounting Manual (SAAM) Section 55.10
- Related correspondence/communications.
- Records covered by Corrective Actions – Audits (Development of Plans) (DAN GS 04008)
- Records of the Office of Financial Management of corrective action reports received from other agencies.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after matter resolved
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 04007.0001.18374
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Course Content Records
Function: Curriculum
Materials used to deliver courses (both academic and non-academic) offered by the university. May include course recordings, presentation materials, and class handouts. Excludes course syllabi, covered by Course Syllabi (21-06-69633.0003.18443).
Retention Requirement: 3 months after final grade for the course is recorded and any academic grievances have been resolved
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
See separate title for Course Syllabi.
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68625.0003.18559
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Course Evaluations – Non-Tenure Track Faculty
Function: Human Resources Management
Course evaluations for classes taught by non-tenure track faculty that are forwarded to department chairs or deans by faculty members for use in formal performance evaluation processes. Faculty members can choose which evaluations to include. Course evaluations that are not submitted are retained and disposed of by the faculty members.
Retention Requirement: Until completion of performance evaluation and resolution of any ongoing performance issues
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Faculty members should retain their copies of course evaluations for 1 year after the completion of the performance evaluation cycle to which the course evaluations apply.
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 03024.0003.19134
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Course Evaluations – Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty
Function: Human Resources Management
Course evaluations sent to tenured and tenure-track faculty that are then included in the faculty member’s dossier. Faculty members can choose which evaluations to include. Course evaluations not included in the dossier are retained and disposed of by the faculty members.
Retention Requirement: Until completion of performance evaluation and resolution of any ongoing performance issues
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Faculty members should retain their copies of course evaluations for 1 year after the completion of the performance evaluation cycle to which the course evaluations apply.
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 03024.0003.19136
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Course Offering and Schedule Preparation Files
Function: Curriculum
Material used by departments in preparation of catalog copy and class schedules. Retention for these records is minimal, as the final product is the official course schedule, the official catalog entry, or the approved budget allocation.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50008.0003.18357
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Course Recordings
Function: Curriculum
Recordings of courses made to facilitate teaching and learning remotely.
Retention Requirement: 3 months after final grade for the course is recorded and any academic grievances have been resolved
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
The University Archivist has appraised course recordings and determined that they do not need to be kept permanently. Course recordings can be destroyed after the primary retention period.
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68625.0003.19108
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Course Syllabi
Function: Curriculum
Syllabus for each departmental course offered per quarter as collected by the respective department or academic administrative unit.
Retention Requirement: 3 months after final grade for the course is recorded and any academic grievances have been resolved
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: 21-06-69633.0003.18443
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
COVID-19 Screening Records
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
Records of screening done of individuals entering university locations for signs of infection. May include individuals' attestations of health. Does not include records of actual COVID-19 tests. These records may include personal health information, like temperatures and symptoms, and should be kept confidential.
Retention Requirement: Retain for 1 month after date of document
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 25009.0001.19119
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
COVID-19 Vaccination Status Verification Records
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
- Attestations relating to vaccination status
- Lists/logs of employees documenting the verification of their vaccination status
- Evidence of COVID-19 vaccinations (only if captured/retained by agency).
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
WWU employee documentation is maintained by WWU Human Resources; WWU studentdocumentation is maintained by WWU Student Health Center.
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 03058.0001.19170
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Curriculum Committee Records
Function: Curriculum
Provides a record of the process of curriculum development and/or revision. Includes records specifically relevant to curriculum proposals or revisions, and records documenting the process of review through department- and college-level committees, including approval or rejection. The official record of curriculum changes is what is approved by the ACC and implemented in the catalog. The records of curriculum committees therefore have shorter retention requirements.
Retention Requirement: 3 years after fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68628.0003.18560
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Department Chair Description
Function: Human Resources Management
Includes material relating to procedures, responsibilities, stipend and other information used to describe the duties of department chairs in a college or the library.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after superseded
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: 17-06-69049.0003.18621
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Donor and Alumni Development Records
Function: Outreach and Engagement
Retention Requirement: 2 years after end of calendar year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05010.0003.18427
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Drafting and Editing
Function: Transitory Records
Records relating to the drafting/editing of correspondence, documents and publications.
Includes, but is not limited to: preliminary drafts not covered by a more specific records series, not needed as evidence of external consultation or as evidence that the agency practiced due diligence in the drafting process; edits/suggestions/directions (such as handwritten annotations/notes, track changes information/comments in Microsoft Word, etc.); electronic documents created solely for printing (such assigns, mailing labels, etc.); related correspondence/communications.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50008.0001.18659
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Emergency/Disaster Preparedness – Contact Information
Function: Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance
Personal contact information for employees, students, volunteers, etc., compiled to facilitate contact in the event of an emergency or disaster.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Personal contact information (cell/home phone, email address, etc.)
- Medical information (provider name, blood type, allergies, ADA requirements, etc.).
Retention Requirement: Until obsolete or superseded
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 25004.0001.19380
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Entry/Exit Logs – Facilities
Function: Facilities and Equipment Management
- Keycard transaction logs
- Secure area logs (such as safe logs)
- Visitor books/logs.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 25007.0001.18421
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Equipment History Records
Function: Facilities and Equipment Management
Documentation pertaining to equipment owned or used by an office. May list specifications and contain warranties.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after disposal of asset
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 21001.0001.18359
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Event Planning and Logistics Documents
Function: Events and Programs
- Records documenting the events themselves should be held under the appropriate series in the "Events and Programs" section of this schedule.
- Financial records relating to events must be held for the retention period prescribed under the "Financial Management" section of this schedule.
- For event-related hold harmless agreements for both adults and minors, see the "Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance" section of this schedule.
- For adult event participant registration records, see Non-Academic Registration Records (Adults) (GS 01050.001.18442).
- Minor participant registration records must be kept under Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
- For Children at Western compliance records for events or programs that include minors, see the records series Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05008.0001.18736
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Events - Routine
Function: Events and Programs
- Photographs, audio/visual recordings; etc.;
- Websites, social media sites, etc.;
- Planning and coordination records.
- Recordings and documentation of certain “routine” events, such as meetings of the Board of Trustees, of other governing bodies, or of committees reporting to those bodies, may be subject to statutory requirements and must be retained according to separate retention rules. Please contact University Archives with questions about event records status before disposing of the content.
- Logistical and planning materials, which do not directly support a financial record, are transitory and can be disposed of when no longer needed. See Event Planning and Logistics Documents (GS 05008.001).
- Financial records relating to events must be held for the retention period prescribed under the "Financial Management" section of this schedule.
- For event-related hold harmless agreements for both adults and minors, see the Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance section of the WWU General Records Retention Schedule.
- For adult event participant registration records, see Non-Academic Registration Records (Adults) (GS 01050.001.18442).
- Minor participant registration records must be kept under Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
- For Children at Western compliance records for events or programs that include minors, see the records series Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05008.0001.19368
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Events - Scholarly
Function: Events and Programs
Records generated from university-sponsored scholarly conferences and events. May include agendas, correspondence, publicity materials, proceedings, and other documents.
May also include authorized photographic and audiovisual documentation. (Photographic and audiovisual materials will need to be accompanied by signed releases from subjects if they are to be re-used or retained for archival preservation.)
Please note the following exceptions:
- Logistical and planning materials, which do not directly support a financial record, are transitory and can be disposed of when no longer needed. See Event Planning and Logistics Documents (GS 05008.001.)
- Financial records relating to events must be held for the retention period prescribed under the "Financial Management" section of this schedule.
- For event-related hold harmless agreements for both adults and minors, see the Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance section of the WWU General Records Retention Schedule.
- For adult event participant registration records, see Non-Academic Registration Records (Adults) (GS 01050.001.18442).
- Minor participant registration records must be kept under Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
- For Children at Western compliance records for events or programs that include minors, see the records series Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
Retention Requirement: Until administrative purpose served
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Recordkeeping Note:
Financial records relating to events must be held for the retention period prescribed under the "Financial Management" section of this schedule. Additionally, logistical planning materials, which do not directly support a financial record, are transitory and can be disposed of when no longer needed.
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05009.0003.18355
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Events - Significant
Function: Events and Programs
- Programs, lists of VIPs in attendance, etc.;
- Photographs and/or audio-visual recordings, transcripts of speeches;
- Samples/designs of logos, commemorative items;
- Websites, social media sites, etc.;
- Planning and coordination records.
- Logistical and planning materials, which do not directly support a financial record, are transitory and can be disposed of when no longer needed. See Event Planning and Logistics Documents (GS 05008.001).
- Financial records relating to events must be held for the retention period prescribed under the "Financial Management" section of this schedule.
- For event-related hold harmless agreements for both adults and minors, see the Safety, Health, and Legal Compliance section of the WWU General Records Retention Schedule.
- For adult event participant registration records, see Non-Academic Registration Records (Adults) (GS 01050.001.18442).
- Minor participant registration records must be kept under Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
- For additional recordkeeping requirements relating to events or programs that include minors, see Child-Related Program Compliance Records (GS 01050.001.18382).
Retention Requirement: Until administrative purpose served
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Recordkeeping Note:
Record Status: NON-ESSENTIAL, ARCHIVAL (Appraisal Required)
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 05009.0001.18396
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Examination Forms and Answer Sheets -- Non-retrievable by Students
Function: Academic Records and Progress
A record of student answers to examination questions. This retention period applies to those graded exams not retrievable by students. Faculty determine whether particular course exams may be retrieved by the student. These records are non-disclosable under 20 U.S.C. 1232g (a) (4) (A) (i) and (ii), except asauthorized under 20 U.S.C. 1232g (b). Test questions and other exam data that will be re-used are exempt from public records disclosure under RCW 42.56.250(1).
If the faculty member has determined that students may retrieve graded exams, papers, or assignments, and students do not do so, the exams, papers, or assignments should be considered non-record abandoned property, and may be dealt with as other confidential waste paper. However, we recommend retention of such material for 6 months after the final grade is recorded or the grade for an incomplete course (K grade) lapses to a grade of “Z.”
Retention Requirement: 3 months after final grade for the course is recorded and any academic grievances have been resolved
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: 14-09-68630.0003.18561
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Executive Administration and Communication Records
Function: Governance and Administration - Internal
Records documenting official activities and communications relevant to the office's executive function. May include: administrative correspondence, directives, and subject files. Does not include records dealing with personnel management or budget planning.
Retention Requirement: 2 years after end of fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Transfer to Archives for appraisal and selective retention
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 09029.0001.18401
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Experiential Learning Sites Files
Function: Curriculum
Records of relationships with experiential learning sites, including practica, internship, and student teaching sites. May include evaluations of host sites as required in university policy, if not part of an individual student's file. The official contracts with experiential learning sites should be held by Contracts Administration.
Retention Requirement: 6 years after fiscal year
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: 17-06-69050.0003.18619
Approved by State Records Committee: 2021 June 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Facilities Planning and Maintenance
Function: Facilities and Equipment Management
Plans, correspondence and related materials that provide a record of alteration, construction, and maintenance of facilities used by a unit. Facilities Management and/or Facilities Development and Capital Budget hold the original copies of these records. This series is meant to cover units' reference copies of records and correspondence dealing with renovations or new construction. May also include unit copies of capital project requests (both major and minor).
Retention Requirement: Until completion or cancellation of renovation or construction
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50005.0001.18412
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.
Files Management Documentation
Function: Records Management
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Recordkeeping Note:
Record Status: ESSENTIAL (for Disaster Recovery), NON-ARCHIVAL
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 11009.0001.19095
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM:
Financial Records - Duplicate Copies
Function: Financial Management
Copies of financial records (created or received), provided the original documentation or information is contained in university systems. Also covers financial reports that can be regenerated from official university systems at a future date with the same results. This series does not cover purchasing card records, cash receipts, or external invoices that document transactions or parts of transactions made outside of official university purchasing systems.
Retention Requirement: Until no longer needed for agency business
Disposition after Retention: Destroy
Disposition Authority Reference: GS 50005.0001.18394
Approved by State Records Committee: 2024 October 02
Last Updated / Revised by UARM: This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.