Research Funding and Management

Grant Award Management File

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Records relating to grant projects and funds received and expended by the university, including any continuous grants. Includes, but is not limited to: • Notifications of grant awards, fiscal reports and supporting documentation; • Grant monitoring, audit reports, compliance reports; • Time keeping/time and effort reports and supporting documentation (if required); • Modification requests; • Related correspondence/communications. Excludes final deliverables/reports covered by: • Grant Final Product Deliverable (14-09-68638.0001.18569) • Sponsored Programs Narrative Reporting (14-09-68638.1.19125) Note: If federal retention requirements are shorter than 6 years, the records must still be retained for the minimum 6 years after end of grant period/cycle to satisfy state requirements.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after end of funding period/grant cycle and completion of all grant requirements for that cycle (such as federal retention requirements, submission of financial status report, etc.)

Disposition after Retention


Record Status


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 23004.0001.19121

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

2020 June 12

Grant Final Product Deliverable

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Records or other final products required by the grant or sponsorship agreement and retained as a record of the deliverable. May include reports, studies, surveys, educational materials, audiovisual, photographic, multimedia content, etc., that constitutes the project deliverable as obligated by the grant or sponsorship agreement.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after end of grant period

Disposition after Retention

Transfer to University Archives for historical appraisal and selective retention as an archival record

Record Status


Disposition Authority Reference


Approved by State Records Committee

2021 June 02

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

2020 June 03

Grant Proposal, Not Accepted

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Includes proposal describing nature and purpose of project, amount of funds requested, in-kind contributions, plan of work and other documents pertaining to grant proposals not funded.

Retention Requirement

Retain until no longer needed for agency business

Disposition after Retention


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 23006.0001.18562

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

2020 June 03

Internal Research Support Funds

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Records documenting the awarding of internal research support funds. Documents the allocation and monitoring of funds for various research projects, such as summer research grants, faculty development, project development, undergraduate and graduate research, and others. May include application for faculty and student funding stating type of research, letters of acceptance, and related correspondence.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after termination of project or proposal rejection

Disposition after Retention


Display Notes

Copies of these records maintained by an office other than that awarding the grant are considered duplicate copies and have no retention requirement. However, original documentation of financial transactions should be kept according to the applicable retention period (see the Financial Management section of this schedule).

Disposition Authority Reference

GS 23003.0001.18648

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.

Sponsored Programs Narrative Reporting

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

If required by sponsorship agreement, and if retained by the institution, narrative reporting relating to sponsored programs, including annual, periodic, and final performance reports. May include any of the following: Program/project proposal (as accepted); periodic progress reports; and final performance reports.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after end of grant period

Disposition after Retention

Transfer to University Archives for historical appraisal and selective retention as an archival record

Record Status


Disposition Authority Reference


Approved by State Records Committee

2021 June 02

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

2020 June 03