Internal Governance and Administration

Strategic Plans and Annual Reports

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Reports and plans, such as strategic plans or annual reports, detailing the unit's goals, priorities, and achievements. May apply to plans/reports produced at any level, from a program unit to larger administrative division.

Retention Requirement

Retain until end of fiscal year

Disposition after Retention

Transfer to University Archives for historical appraisal and selective retention as an archival record

Record Status


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 10001.0001.18416

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.

Studies and Final Reports

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Studies and reports with department-, division-, or university-wide relevance, typically prepared in response to a specific charge or directive. May be the work of a group or individual. The extent of supporting documentation, (e.g., survey data or other cited materials) included with the final report may vary according to need. For grant-related reports or studies, see the "Research" section of this schedule.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after conclusion of study or report

Disposition after Retention

Transfer to University Archives for historical appraisal and selective retention as an archival record

Record Status


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 10016.0001.18408

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.

Studies and Reports, Working Papers/Development

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Records relating to the development of reports and studies and to the conducting of studies with department-, division-, or university-wide relevance, typically prepared in response to a specific charge or directive. May be the work of a group or individual. May include survey data or other materials gathered and used in the studies. For grant-related reports or studies, see the "Research" section of this schedule.

Retention Requirement

Retain for 6 years after conclusion of study or report

Disposition after Retention


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 09030.0001.18425

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.

Work Instructions and Desk Manuals

Who can use this?

All Offices

Record Description

Routine day-to-day task/work instructions, desk manuals, etc. These are desk level interpretations of a policy or procedure.

Retention Requirement

Retain until superseded

Disposition after Retention


Disposition Authority Reference

GS 09001.0001.18365

Approved by State Records Committee

2021 August 04

Last Updated / Revised by UARM

This record's title or description has not been updated or revised since its initial writing.